5USA +1 Today

5USA +1
5:00 AM
Home shopping
7:00 AM
Ideal World Shopping
Home shopping
10:00 AM
The team discovers the elusive arsonist was not working alone
10:55 AM
Entertainment News on 5
Showbiz news and gossip
11:00 AM
The investigators try to catch fugitive terrorist Harper Dearing
12:00 PM
Gibbs takes desperate measures to track down Harper Dearing
1:00 PM
Law & Order
Last in series. A blogger threatens to bomb a school
2:00 PM
Law & Order
Kevin Bernard and Frank Cosgrove investigate the murder of an entertainer
2:55 PM
Entertainment News on 5
Showbiz news and gossip
3:00 PM
Law & Order
The chief operating officer of a major tech company is found murdered
4:00 PM
Law & Order
Cosgrove and Shaw investigate what happened to a murdered law student
5:00 PM
Law & Order
A fashion designer is killed on the night of his boutique opening
5:55 PM
Entertainment News on 5
Showbiz news and gossip
6:00 PM
Law & Order
A crisis consultant is murdered
7:00 PM
Gibbs helps his father track down an old friend from the war
8:00 PM
A sergeant's alibi for a hit-and-run is that he was killing someone else at the time
9:00 PM
A covert listening device is found in a pen belonging to the Secretary of the Navy
10:00 PM
The team investigates the murder of a marine
11:00 PM
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
A young boy is abandoned in Times Square
12:00 AM
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
A teenager is shot by a celebrity chef
1:00 AM
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
The SVU revisits an old rape-murder case
1:55 AM
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Detective Rollins has an unexpected visitor
2:55 AM
Blue Bloods
Multiple women take credit for the murder of their boss
3:50 AM
Law & Order
A disorientating nasal spray is found at the scene of a car crash
4:35 AM
Car Pound Cops
Officers stop a car whose occupants are not wearing seatbelts
5:00 AM
Home shopping