7:00 PM
Iceberg: Dangerous Earth
Scientific insights into icebergs
Dr Helen Czerski reveals scientific insights into icebergs, including side-scanning sonar that scrutinises the edge of glaciers where they are made
7:30 PM
Through the Keyhole with Donald Trump
A peek inside the home of the future US president
Loyd Grossman takes a peek behind the doors of two homes belonging to the rich and famous - including that of future US president Donald Trump. Hosted by David Frost. From 1999
8:00 PM
Live Snooker: The Masters
Further coverage of the second quarter-final
Seema Jaswal presents further coverage of the second quarter-final on day five at Alexandra Palace in London, played over the best of 11 frames
11:35 PM
The Wooden Horse
Fact-based Second World War drama, starring Leo Genn
PoWs in a German camp try to escape by using a vaulting horse to cover up the tunnel they are digging. Fact-based Second World War drama, starring Leo Genn and David Tomlinson
1:15 AM
The US and the Holocaust
The US is divided as the Second World War begins
The US is divided as the Second World War begins, with President Roosevelt speaking out in support of European democracies, while Charles Lindbergh preaches isolationism