National Geographic WILD Wednesday

National Geographic WILD
6:30 AM
Teleshopping. U.
7:00 AM
Cruise TV with LoveitBookit
Your one-stop-shop for all things cruise; bringing you t...
8:00 AM
Secrets of the Zoo: North Carolina
Keepers hope for a long-awaited sand cat kitten
9:00 AM
World's Deadliest
Exploring animals that can quickly turn into killers
10:00 AM
Africa's Hunters
A pride of lions faces a leadership challenge
11:00 AM
Africa's Deadliest
Highlights from the series featuring aquatic animals
12:00 PM
The Incredible Dr Pol
Charles has appointments for both of his Great Danes
1:00 PM
Yukon Vet
Dr Oakley treats an off-the-grid dachshund
2:00 PM
Deadly Dozen
The most dangerous creatures in Australia
3:00 PM
Africa's Deadly Kingdoms
The reef systems on Africa's southern coastline
4:00 PM
Secrets of the Zoo
Compilation episode in which the vets tend to animals with repeat injuries
5:00 PM
The Incredible Dr Pol
A busy Central Michigan veterinary practice
6:00 PM
Snakes in the City
A cobra sprays its venom on target
7:00 PM
Secrets of the Zoo
Two baby white rhinos join the herd at The Wilds
8:00 PM
World's Deadliest Whale
Documentary about the hunting tactics of killer whales
9:00 PM
World's Deadliest
Investigating nocturnal predators
10:00 PM
Alaska: The Next Generation
The Alaskans face unpredictable challenges in the wild to ensure their safety
11:00 PM
Ice Road Rescue
A head-on collision between two trucks blocks an ambulance
12:00 AM
Monster Fish
Dr Zeb Hogan goes in search of the paddlefish
1:00 AM
Lawless Island
Winter descends on Southeast Alaska
2:00 AM
Yukon Vet
Dr Oakley treats a cat that swallowed a string
3:00 AM
Secrets of the Zoo
Compilation episode in which the vets tend to animals with repeat injuries
4:00 AM
Yukon Vet
Dr Oakley goes in search of ibexes in the French Alps
5:00 AM
U. Teleshopping.
5:30 AM
U. Teleshopping.