National Geographic WILD Sunday

National Geographic WILD
8:00 AM
The Incredible Dr Pol
The vets deal with after-hours emergencies
9:00 AM
The Incredible Dr Pol
The show celebrates its 10th anniversary
10:00 AM
Desert Lions: Skeleton Coast
Documentary following three orphaned lion cubs from birth to adulthood
11:00 AM
Europe from Above
Aerial footage of the Polish Riviera
12:00 PM
Europe from Above
An aerial tour of the Balkans
1:00 PM
Lake Tanganyika: Africa's Blue Heart
Exploring one of the largest lakes on Earth
2:00 PM
Europe's Wild Places
Part one of two. How lynx, arctic foxes and wolves survive harsh winters
3:00 PM
Europe's Wild Places
Part two of two. Spring sees baby wildlife born across Europe
4:00 PM
Secrets of the Zoo: North Carolina
The zoo hopes for a polar-bear pregnancy
5:00 PM
Secrets of the Zoo: North Carolina
The zookeepers are kept busy by the birth of a white rhino
6:00 PM
Critter Fixers: Country Vets
The vets are flummoxed by a seemingly pregnant goat
7:00 PM
Savage Kingdom
The forest residents turn on orphaned leopard Motsidi
8:00 PM
Incredible Animal Journeys
Bonus episode exploring animal parenthood
9:00 PM
Wild Costa Rica
Looking at Costa Rica's wildlife
10:00 PM
Africa's Hunters
A young lion who was rejected by its mother faces a series of fresh challenges
11:00 PM
Snakes in the City
Simon and Siouxsie put their new apprentice to the test
12:00 AM
Alaska: The Next Generation
Alaska comes alive as dark winter turns to spring
1:00 AM
Alaska: The Next Generation
Temperatures rise across the melting Arctic landscape
2:00 AM
Secrets of the Zoo
Two baby white rhinos join the herd at The Wilds
3:00 AM
Secrets of the Zoo
A rare pangolin pregnancy unfolds at the Columbus Zoo
4:00 AM
Yukon Vet
Buffalo escape from a farm
5:00 AM
Teleshopping. U.
5:30 AM
Teleshopping. U.
6:00 AM
Teleshopping. U.
6:30 AM
U. Teleshopping.