PBS America (Freeview) Thursday

PBS America (Freeview)
12:00 AM
1:00 PM
Beautiful Serengeti
Exploring the many different concepts of family in the natural world
1:30 PM
The Lafayette Squadron
How the Lafayette Squadron laid the foundation of American combat aviation
2:40 PM
The Somme 1916 - From Both Sides of the Wire
Peter Barton examines the final months of the campaign
3:55 PM
Pompeii: Buried Secrets of the Villa Giuliana
Investigating the context of the Roman ceremonial chariot found in Pompeii
5:00 PM
A Nation Denied: Ukraine's Battle for History
Part two of two. Ukraine's history in the turbulent 20th century
6:05 PM
The Lafayette Squadron
How the Lafayette Squadron laid the foundation of American combat aviation
7:15 PM
The Somme 1916 - From Both Sides of the Wire
Peter Barton examines the final months of the campaign
8:35 PM
Pompeii: Buried Secrets of the Villa Giuliana
Investigating the context of the Roman ceremonial chariot found in Pompeii
9:40 PM
A Nation Denied: Ukraine's Battle for History
Part two of two. Ukraine's history in the turbulent 20th century
10:45 PM
The Somme 1916 - From Both Sides of the Wire
Peter Barton examines the final months of the campaign
12:00 AM