RTE2 +1 Thursday

RTE2 +1
2:25 AM
7:00 PM
Justin brandishes his gun, grabbing Holly for leverage
7:30 PM
Home and Away
Harper catches Dana in one of her lies
8:00 PM
Ireland's Coast
Irish people's ancient relationship with the waters that surround their island
9:00 PM
Grand Designs
A couple who have lived in a 1940s prefab house for eight years
10:00 PM
Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason
Romantic comedy sequel, with Renee Zellweger and Colin Firth
11:55 PM
Anam: Songs for Hearts & Minds
Music by Moncrieff, Oisin Leech and Efe
12:55 AM
Line of Duty
Denton gathers compromising evidence to use against AC-12
2:05 AM