RTE One +1 Tuesday

RTE One +1
3:45 AM
Headlines update
7:00 AM
Headlines update
8:10 AM
Home shopping
8:45 AM
Daily magazine show
10:55 AM
The Kelly Clarkson Show
Chat and entertainment show
11:45 AM
The Drew Barrymore Show
The actress hosts a talk show
12:10 PM
The Drew Barrymore Show
The actress hosts a talk show
12:40 PM
Shortland Street
The final one hour episode of 2020
1:10 PM
Zara and Michelle look forward to some rest and relaxation
1:45 PM
Telly Bingo
Lottery game show
2:00 PM
RTÉ News: One O'Clock and Weather
National and international news
2:30 PM
Home and Away
Eden's friends push her in the right direction
3:00 PM
Holly receives an anonymous text asking for Heath's money
3:30 PM
High Road, Low Road
Anna Daly and James Kavanagh head off to Lanzarote.
4:00 PM
Nish sets his plan into action
4:30 PM
Daily magazine show
6:40 PM
The latest news headlines
6:55 PM
RTÉ News with Signing
National and international news.
7:00 PM
The Angelus
Karen Pleass creates a wall-hanging for the Adapt Refuge in Kerry
7:01 PM
RTÉ News: Six One and Weather
The latest national and international headlines
8:00 PM
Best Place to Be
Baz Ashmawy meets Irish expats in Sweden
8:30 PM
Bianca interrogates Reiss over Sonia's arrest
9:00 PM
Fair City
As Victor struggles in hospital, Ruby pressures Babs to forgive him
9:30 PM
Home of the Year
Properties include a 1930s renovated bungalow in Dublin
10:00 PM
RTÉ News: Nine O'Clock and Weather
The latest national and international news
10:35 PM
Prime Time
In-depth analysis of current affairs and topical reports
11:15 PM
Crime drama, starring Richard Rankin
12:15 AM
The Gold
In Tenerife, Palmer learns he is wanted by the police
1:30 AM
Second series of the prison drama, this time focusing on female convicts
2:30 AM
Prime Time
In-depth analysis of current affairs and topical reports
3:10 AM
Telly Bingo
Lottery game show
3:25 AM
Zara and Michelle look forward to some rest and relaxation
3:55 AM
Headlines update