RTE One +1 Wednesday

RTE One +1
3:55 AM
Headlines update
7:00 AM
Headlines update
7:15 AM
Home shopping
7:50 AM
Home shopping
8:25 AM
Daily magazine show
10:35 AM
The Kelly Clarkson Show
Chat and entertainment show
11:25 AM
The Drew Barrymore Show
The actress hosts a talk show
11:50 AM
The Drew Barrymore Show
The actress hosts a talk show
12:15 PM
Shortland Street
Hospital drama set in an accident and emergency ward
12:50 PM
Leaders' Questions
Live coverage of Question Time in the Dail
2:00 PM
RTÉ News: One O'Clock and Weather
National and international news
2:30 PM
Home and Away
Tane confronts Perri about trying to leave
3:00 PM
Karl and Susan throw a special farewell party
3:30 PM
Fair City
Long-running soap
4:00 PM
Bianca interrogates Reiss over Sonia's arrest
4:30 PM
Daily magazine show
6:40 PM
The latest news headlines
6:55 PM
RTÉ News with Signing
National and international news.
7:00 PM
The Angelus
Featuring horologist Maurice Keenan
7:01 PM
RTÉ News: Six One and Weather
The latest national and international headlines
8:00 PM
A mix of reports, features and events from around the country
8:30 PM
Phil rescinds Harry's trial at The Arches
9:00 PM
Neven's Coastal Food Trails
Neven visits the Hooked Restaurant in Sligo Town
9:30 PM
Nico's Cook In, Cook Out
Recipes include garlic and miso chicken
10:00 PM
RTÉ News: Nine O'Clock and Weather
The latest national and international news
10:30 PM
Room to Improve
A project in Lucan, South Dublin
11:35 PM
Apples Never Fall
During a hurricane, Brooke confronts her personal issues
12:40 AM
Sidney and Geordie must join forces when Reverend Sam Milburn goes missing
1:35 AM
Songs of Ireland
Pat Shortt and Mike Hanrahan perform with musical collective Baba Yarga
2:35 AM
Home Rescue: The Big Fix
A primary school teacher struggles with the clutter at her cottage
3:30 AM
Zoo Live
Behind the scenes at Dublin Zoo
4:25 AM
Super Garden
Dijana Kalic designs a garden for a widowed father and his two sons
4:50 AM
High Road, Low Road
Demi Isaac Oviawe and Jennifer Barry are sent on holiday to Barbados
5:20 AM
Inside Penneys
The buying team search for inspiration in Italy
5:45 AM
Headlines update